Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Ethiopia, Day Two: The Monsteries of Bahir Dar

Today we began the day in a boat on Lake Tana, located at the mouth of the Blue Nile River.  Our destination is the monasteries from the 16th-17th centuries.  These monasteries have treasures and beautiful mural paintings depicting both Old and New Testament stories.  Ethiopians are particularly fond of St. George, the patron saint of Ethiopia, St. Gabriel, and of course, Mary.  On the way to the monasteries we saw some beautiful birds, including cranes, white ibis, pelicans of various varieties, cormorants, and other water birds I couldn’t name.  The culinary highlight was the discovery of juice bars where establishments list the fresh fruits available, then blend them with water and present a beautiful layered concoction that is refreshing and filling.  

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